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Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2018

Τα εξωπραγματικά ζώα με photoshop από τον Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen

Ξεκινώντας από το 2012, ο Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen, γνωστός και ως Gyyporama, δημιουργεί εξωπραγματικούς συνδυασμούς ζώων στο Photoshop, παρουσιάζοντας πλάσματα που δεν είχαμε φανταστεί ποτέ.

Etter nesten 50 eksamena på NTNU hadde ej i dag min aller siste. Det kunne vør trist, det kunne vør vemodig, men egentlig e det berre digg.Image result for Arne Olav Gurvin FredriksenImage result for Arne Olav Gurvin FredriksenBirdrilla 🦍🐦
Photomanipulation based on pictures by photographers unknown to me. If you know who took the unedited photos, please let me know so I can credit them.

#photoshop #birds #gorilla #creative #photomanipulation #digitalart #gyyporamaRelated imageMonkion 🦁🐵
Named by @hoiaroam1. Photomanipulation based on pictures by photographers unknown to me. If you know who took the unedited photos, please let me know so I can credit them.

#gyyporama #lion #monkey #nose #proboscismonkey #proboscis #nature #naturelovers #majestic #animal #animals #hybrid #animalhybrid #photoshop #photoshopped #digitalart #funny #art #graphics #illustration #ps_dreams #creative #creativity #creativelife #picoftheday #thegraphicspr0ject #simplycooldesign #visual_creatorz #instagoodRelated imageSharkopotamus.
Photomanipulation made by me.
Photography credit: Adam Jones
#animal #hybrid #photoshop #shark #baskingshark #hippo #hippopotamus #gyyporamaGuinea LionSwama

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